The film begins in the autumn of 1918 in the County Melbridge asylum. Smith (Colman), a shell-shock victims with amnesia and difficulty talking, walking is a vague and misty night outside the property. Confused by the noisy crowd choked the streets and celebrated the armistice that ducks in a snuff shop where he meets Paula (Garson). Leaving the shop, she follows him, worried that he does not. It quickly becomes protective of his strange new friend, and soon they fall in love, marry and themselves. Now is the time that they live happily ever after, but there is enough time remaining in the film you just know that it will not happen.
A common complaint in Hollywood is a favorite book, a film is that the book is much better. However, there are exceptions to the rule, if the film is better than the book. One of these exceptions is "Random Harvest" (1942), based on James Hilton's novel of the same name and with Ronald Colman, Greer Garson, Philip Dorn, and Susan Peters. Do not get me wrong - "Random Harvest" is a good book, but "Random Harvest" is a fantastic film. This is one of the few, perhaps the only film of the amnesia is really beautiful.
Greer Garson have seemed "random crop" on his favorite movies are all in. What Ronald Colman plays a soldier wounded World War I was not too hard: He fought for the British during the First World War, the Battle of Ypres, where he was wounded in knees and ankles (splitter), and was gassed. What is decorated for bravery and for several months after he was injured he was invalidated out of the army.
Hollywood was a great 1942 with the publication of many immediately or soon to be classic films like "Mrs. Miniver," "Yankee Doodle Dandy," "Holiday Inn," "Bambi," "Pride of the Yankees" and "King's Row." The largest of them was, of course, "Mrs. Miniver" and claimed, twelve Oscar nominations and six wins. "Random Harvest" was nominated for seven awards, including Best Actor in a leading role (Colman lost James Cagney for "Yankee Doodle"), Best Actress in a supporting role (Peters), Best Film. Ironically, "Random Harvest" lost the Best Writing, Screenplay Oscar James Hilton (and three others) for "Mrs. Miniver" script
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