Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Video - John Ensign’s Affair with Cynthia Hampton

Shame Senator John Ensign of Nevada held a press conference on Tuesday in Las Vegas to the news of his extra-marital relationship with her constituents. It turns out that the 2012 Republican presidential candidates hope was in a romantic affair with 46 years, Cynthia Hampton, campaign treasurer and the wife of his time an assistant Douglas Hampton.

The case, which reported that cross-November 2006 to May 2008, was no secret to the wife Darlene Ensign Ensign. She was not at his side in the Lloyd George Federal Building, but a declaration that the marriage of the couple is "stronger" after he came clean about his affair with her. You have to advice and will continue for each other.

Ensign after reading a prepared statement: "I came home to Nevada to declare the citizens of our state, something that has been in about a year ago. Last year I had an experience. I am against the vows of marriage. It is absolutely the worst thing I've ever made in my life. "

The Senator from Nevada is, curiously, a member of Promise Keepers, a group that promotes marital fidelity. He was very critical of Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal to the president to resign.

Ensign was a veterinarian that the animals in the possession of several hospitals before they enter the political arena. He is the father of three children, Trevor, Siena, and Michael. His father, Michael S. Ensign, the chairman of the Board of the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.

Photos of the family under Ensign. The presidential fund-raiser for Friday has been postponed.

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